In my consulting work, I’ve discovered a fascinating pattern: the most significant obstacles to a company’s success often lie in undisclosed information scattered across teams. This [...]
You’ve seen it, but chances are, you couldn’t stop it from happening. At a team meeting, a problem is raised, and the boss—trying to be helpful, or trying to be the hero, or simply because he [...]
What does a 110-year-old company do to increase the rate of innovation from less than one new business per year to 50? The answer, says David Lee, Vice President of Innovation and New Ventures [...]
“Chief Transformation Officer” is a trending title. In the past year and a half, Equifax, UPS, Neiman Marcus, Service Master have created this role. Each company, however, means [...]
Look at the six most valuable companies in the world — Apple, Alphabet (parent company of Google), Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook and Alibaba — and you’ll see one important element in common. [...]
Ten years from now, what mechanisms do you think will exist for people to sell data about themselves?After all, long ago, land, water and in many cases labor, used to be free, until systems were [...]
When you’ve just been through a period of intense change or innovation, it’s tempting to take a breather. Our instinct is to let things settle into a steady state. We reach a plateau of learning [...]
No matter what business you’re in, and whether the business outlook is bleak or robust, one thing is certain: the success or failure of your strategy hinges on what your competitors choose to [...]
With the fast pace of change in the world today, there is great uncertainty surrounding almost every decision we make. And, when there is uncertainty, there are going to be many different [...]
I recently worked with a large, successful company whose growth had slowed. They needed new ideas—and not just any ideas, but big ideas: new growth trajectories that would generate at least a [...]