Are You a Prisoner of Your Own Beliefs?

 In Leadership

Do you have beliefs that are so ingrained that you don’t even question them… and thus they lead to behaviors and choices that are not in your best interest?

It‘s so easy to leave such beliefs unexamined and to just count them as truths.

For example, you might believe that you don’t have the qualifications needed to attain your dream job.

Or that you don’t have time to lead a particular non-profit initiative that you care deeply about.

Or that you can’t cut back on work, because you should be earning as much as you possibly can (just in case you live to be 120, or the economy collapses, or a relative falls on hard times and needs help…).

Or that sharing a fear or weakness will cause you to loose the respect of your colleagues.

You can become a prisoner of such beliefs, which reduces both your potential and your results.

But we have a choice to accept, reject or modify any belief.

That said, doing this requires a conscious effort to examine not only the belief itself, but its source and justification.

If you are lucky, this might only require some quiet time and the intention to do so. Perhaps you already know which beliefs are no longer useful.

Other beliefs may be more deeply embedded, and difficult to shed. A more intense effort and the support of a coach or therapist may be needed. Though this path might be longer and harder, you have even more reason to walk down it.

The real tragedy is when we become imprisoned by beliefs without even realizing it.

Taking time periodically to examine your beliefs is just as much a vital part of work as all the other aspects of your career.

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